Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Know What You Are Scene

TWILIGHT FILMING LOCATION: I Know What You Are / Say It Outloud Scene

Oxbow Regional Park
3010 SE Oxbow Parkway
Gresham, Oregon

Fee:  $5 donation

On to OXBOW REGIONAL PARK, the scene where Bella tells Edward "I know what you are." We drove on a beautiful windy road until we got to the entrance of the park. There is a station at the front to pay a $5 donation. The park is beautiful so if you have some time definitely set out on the trails and enjoy some of Oregon's beauty!! The exact scene location was difficult for us to find at first. If you are able to find a park ranger, they should be able to point you in the right direction to the scene location. The filming area is located between trailheads D and E. If you get to a large gravel parking area you have gone too far. Right next to the location is a little pull off area and on the opposite side of that is the filming site right near the road.

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